Speech And Language Therapy

What is Speech and Language Therapy?
Speech and Language Therapy works with children and young people to develop their speech, language and communication skills. Young people who have difficulties in these areas can find it difficult to be fully involved in their school and home life. Speech and Language Therapy can help develop skills and strategies for effective communication in social and learning environments.

What services do we provide?
Our Speech and Language Therapists work with the full range of speech, language and communication needs. We offer consultations, assessments, therapy sessions, preschool, school and home programmes. We set up and model language and social communication groups in schools. We also run training sessions for teachers and other professionals on general or specific speech, language and communication issues. We usually see toddlers and children at their school or nursery but can also see children at one of our private Family Centres if needed.

Who do we support?
We work mainly with children aged 0-19. Some of them have a statement of special educational needs and others are referred by parents and local education authorities. We work closely with parents, teachers and other people involved with each child. Our speech pathologists can provide direct therapy sessions in which we include adults wherever possible and appropriate. We also support families and schools in integrating strategies and approaches in the child’s everyday life. We can also include a child’s peers in sessions if that is appropriate.

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